Soul Guidance Sessions

In times of uncertainty, when the world feels heavy and the future unclear, the need for grounding and clarity becomes paramount. Osiris, the compassionate entity I channel, offers a unique opportunity to access profound insight and unconditional support to make it easier and more joyful for you to navigate these challenging times in ways that align with your heart and soul.

These sessions create a sanctuary where your deepest questions can be explored and your heart’s wisdom uncovered. If you’re feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next step, Osiris brings the kind of perspective that goes beyond the surface—helping you realign with what truly matters.

This is more than guidance; it’s a chance to unfold your personal evolution with courage, grace, and confidence, to discover new pathways of meaning, and to find solace in knowing that you are supported on every level of your journey. Let this be the moment you rise above the noise and embrace the profound growth waiting for you.


Benefits of Soul Guidance Sessions

  • Clarity in Uncertain Times: Gain insight into your life’s direction and make sense of the confusion and challenges you may be facing.
  • Heart-Centered Alignment: Reconnect with what has deep meaning and purpose for you, ensuring your decisions align with your core values and who you’re authentically becoming.
  • Unconditional Support: Experience the comforting presence of Osiris, offering love, understanding, and a broader perspective on your journey.
  • Empowerment and Growth: Receive guidance that supports your evolutionary growth, helping you navigate change with love, wisdom, courage, and grace.
  • Relief from Stress and Overwhelm: Find solace in a safe, sacred space where your feelings and experiences are validated and supported.
  • Expanded Perspective: Gain a higher-level view of your life and its unfolding, helping you see possibilities you might not have previously recognized.
  • Connection to Universal Wisdom: Access insights from beyond the physical realm, offering transformative guidance for your personal and spiritual development.
  • Renewed Hope and Purpose: Walk away feeling lighter, more empowered, and eager to embrace the next chapter of your life with confidence.
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Soul Guidance Testimonial

Larry Glover

I found my Soul Guidance session with Osiris to be practically useful and emotionally and spiritually affirming of where I sense myself to be in life. Inspirations for moving forward will continue to inform me.

I can certainly appreciate the idea that receiving a channeled reading from some seemingly disembodied entity speaking through a fellow human might feel foolish or silly to some. However, it is interesting that the reading began with Osiris recounting a fact from my childhood that Karin herself had no way of knowing.

She had previously explained that this step in the reading serves to confirm that Osiris, “a deeply loving channeled presence,” is indeed attuned to the recipient of the reading. In my case, this came in the form of a questioning statement: “You have a deceased brother?”

“Yes. My parent’s first born died as an infant due to medical errors.”

“Well, he wants you to know that he is here with you, as he always is, as a guiding presence.”

Indeed, around the age of 6 or 7, I had the distinct experience of feeling a presence with me. I remember asking, “Who are you?” And what I heard back was, “I’m your older brother that died. I died…but I will always be with you.” Since that time, I occasionally remember the experience, however I also early on learned to dismiss or to not trust such ‘non-ordinary’ states of awareness. Yet the reading gifts me with an invitation to lean into this relationship as a resource to be consciously developed.

Osiris proceeded to identify animal spirit allies present in support of me, ones I had already practiced living in conscious presence with. This reminded me of a quote I first encountered from Terrence McKenna: “The world is not only stranger than we suppose but stranger than we can suppose.”

The quote is relevant to my current challenges. It invites me into deeper personal transformations, for which I desire all the resources available to me. Choosing the reading by Osiris was an internal affirmation to trust this mystery of a world not only stranger than I might imagine but also more connected and whole than our domesticated cultural perceptions allow.

Osiris then gifted me with readings of my “energy centers,” or chakras, as they are often referenced. Three of these centers, the root, solar plexus, and throat, were identified as needing attention and development so that I could more fully meet the life I was invited into. We then proceeded to practical breathing exercises and a “visual fest” to enliven and strengthen each of these centers.

I began that day to integrate and embody these practices into meditations already used in support of regulating and grounding my system. Within days of the reading, life presented me with challenges that indeed invited me to amplify the fires of my rooting, presence, and expressions of self-protection and in manifesting desires. 

So too, life’s subsequent challenges leave me with deep gratitude for the clarity and usefulness of the soul guidance received during my session with Osiris. Thank you, Karin, for trusting and opening yourself to access these mysteries of our world.