
A Time for Healing and Peace

Dear Deep Soul,

How are you faring these days? My hope is that you are tapping into your inner wisdom and trusting it more and more every day. For some it is through meditation, for others it might be journaling. I have found after creating a couple of Wisdom Journals Series that finding time to commit to journaling is what makes ALL the difference. I also know that when you release your negative thinking, obsessive thoughts, and anxiety on paper, you begin to relax. With journaling, healing can begin when you explore new solutions, tap your creativity, listen to your intuition, and take in the wisdom that you have.

I appreciate the messages of many trainers and world renowned spiritual leaders. I also know that I continue to want to check in with myself as it is very easy these days to be pulled into the “cult” or into a group that has the “right message.” I want to honor my own wisdom first. Here is a quick checklist on how to do this:

  1. sunset-october-2021Take time to listen first and notice how it resonates or doesn’t in your mind, body, and spirit.
  2. See how it aligns with your values. As in, check what are your values and then see how that product or service aligns or not. Check out this values assessment if you want to find your 10 values:
  3. Check that you are not being “sold” into something and instead you are honestly following your heart and passion rather than trying to fill a void. This last part is VERY important. This means that if you’re missing something in your life—such as a community or tribe—listen carefully to what they are suggesting you do.

Natural Healing

Janet Bray Attwood, friend and mentor, has an assessment tool called What’s Your Passion Score where you can see where you are in your life right now from 0-100 (fully living your passion). Click here to find out what your personal passion score is.

Passion has always been a healing balm and helped me find greater purpose in my life. What about you?

For me, my healing comes from exercise and has allowed me to stay sane, resilient, and happy. My learning curve is finding ways to balance protein with carbs and fats. As I age, I am finding the balance of these important nutrients useful to understand. I am learning to pay greater attention around food, as it is easy for me to be unconscious with portions and what I eat. What about you? If you are interested in exercise, what would be your first step to act on this? I continue to teach an exercise class three times a week. It continues to sustain me during these unknown times since the pandemic started.

Clarity and Wisdom

If you are looking for clarity and a seasonal vision (rather than a year long one) please consider trying out for yourself the free Journal Challenge I will be doing on January 12,13,14, 2022 which will be from 5:00-6:00 pm MTN.

When you are exploring a new practice called journaling, it takes development of this new “muscle.”

Join this Journal Challenge with a group of other loving seekers and take steps in receiving support, being held accountable, and gain practical tools that are grounded and inspiring. You will FEEL the difference. Go to this link for more info: or email me at

3-Day Journal Challenge
Reduce Stress—Awaken Your Soul
  • Experience less worry and more peace.
  • Awaken a connection with yourself that supports greater clarity.
  • Learn to tap into your own inner wisdom which gently influences connection with all the aspects of who you are.
  • Develop a connection with nature and beyond – explore how you are part of something much bigger.
  • Cultivate and ground your own wisdom that leads you to your higher calling with ease and grace.

Intuitive Leadership with Journaling


I love the quote by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, “I meet no one but me.” This is a beautiful statement reflecting what we see outside of us is also within us. What we love about others is what we love about ourselves. And what we don’t like about others is (gulp, that’s right) what you don’t like about yourself—yet. Be your own leader from within. Start or continue Journaling to understand your judger, its strategy and how it protects you. As we move into the fall, we are stripping down to the core elements and releasing what we don’t need and exploring new ways to find greater balance within.

Go Deeper to Be Greater,

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