What Are Intuitive Leadership Teams and Why Do You Need One?

What Are Intuitive Leadership Teams and Why Do You Need One?

I felt very alone during my first year of teaching.  I would periodically ask to meet my administrator. If I could, I would have met weekly! Meeting weekly was a big stretch so a monthly meeting was the most I could get.  His style of leadership I would call Laissez-Faire. He allowed his staff to…

The Powerful Benefits Of Writing and Journaling

The Powerful Benefits Of Writing and Journaling

According to the Chopra Center, journaling and writing has some powerful benefits: Reduces stress Journaling helps manage depression and anxiety Journaling helps prioritize fears and concerns Journaling provides an opportunity for recognizing triggers Journaling allows space for positive encouragement and self-talk Journaling improves blood pressure levels Journaling improves mood Journaling increases feelings of well-being Journaling…