My Body My Rules featured 2022

Whose Life and Liberty do You Care About?

Why do some people believe they have the right to decide what is right and wrong for other people with regard to other’s families? Why does a minority get to decide what the rest of us can do with our bodies, our sexuality, and our lives, especially in a society that claims to preserve liberty and freedom for all?!

Are you feeling any rage, sadness, shock or overwhelm with the half century established precedent law of the land Roe vs. Wade overturned by members of the United States Supreme Court, some of whom said they would not interfere with established precedent when questioned under oath in U.S. Senate confirmation hearings?

My Body My Rules

In my lifetime the United States Supreme Court has done its job of protecting civil liberties, such as the right to vote and the right to choose whether or not I have a child…until now.

I have been deeply angered, upset, saddened, and ashamed that some of our civil servants have truly lost their way and turned their backs on so many Americans and the pursuit of liberty and happiness. The idea that these rights need be turned over to the states to decide their fate guarantees that corrupt politicians will assure their erosion, as history has shown us time and time again, and is already under way. We are not “the States,” we are the United States! Despite current efforts by a determined few to tear us apart.

At this point, I’m very concerned that safe and legal abortion access that saves women’s lives is only the beginning of losses, to be followed by others with regard to gender, race, economic opportunity, climate change, gun safety, voting rights, and more. All of these needless losses are the products of a persistent and reactive white male supremacy mindset and system, one that ultimately destroys the fabric of life for all and will keep open the wounds of our history that need healing and reparation, not perpetual re-traumatization.

Over my lifetime I’ve come to understand that Nature always shows us and is a reflection of what is happening in our human world, if we only stop to observe, learn, and listen. In the last relatively short period of human history, modern societies have become disconnected from nature. The belief that we are here to dominate instead of cooperate is at the heart of our discord and alienation from ourselves and each other. The fear that others will come to hurt us or harm us if we don’t dominate keeps the cycle of war, scarcity, and suffering in place. Our job this time is to break that cycle and create a world that works for everyone.

Woman outside

What often is lacking is imagination, a willingness to learn and be able to put ourselves in the shoes of another.

What if we were willing to wholeheartedly claim our connection to all humans and our kinship with non-humans? This means everyone’s rights and freedoms are considered and respected. No one gets left behind. When we experience discrimination or abuse in our own lives or others based on characteristics or identity, whether skin color, gender, ability, age, or economic status, we have a choice to make. We can retreat into a camp, hunker down, and defend our own or rise above to join others in their efforts to be seen, listened to, and considered.

I—and hopefully we—will stand up for all people, animals, and the earth who need support, and donate our time or money to sustain important values of freedom and liberation that enhance connection and unity.

Take Action

I invite you to stand with people not seen or respected today, get a little uncomfortable, and do some hard things together. I invite you to join me as I “come out,” more with talking about the hard things, and make some significant contributions to those with even more on the line.

I want to thank the podcast created by Glennon Doyle, Amanda, and Abby from We Can do Hard Things that inspired me and got me off my own butt. Listen here

I am donating money to Together Rising, a nonprofit organized by Glennon Doyle and her sister, Amanda. I invite each of you to decide what you feel called to do. This money goes to four groups below.

I’d love to hear what conversations you are having with people about these tough topics, and where you are seeing you can walk your talk, living from your highest, most cherished values.