Plant seeds March 2022 featured

How will you spend your next moment?

Dear Deep Soul,

Welcome to March and the beginning of spring. Despite the promise of Spring, there seem to be so many things that are in opposition to what supports a healthy and stress-free body, community, and world. Yet, this is what is—so how can we deal with it in a graceful, authentic manner that feels good to each of us and respectful to others? How might you move forward when today you feel stuck? I hope to support you and us in finding some new ways.

Getting Aligned with Outer and Inner Nature in 2022

We seem to be on the brink. With millions at risk of dying in Ukraine, forced to leave their homes and seek refuge, forced to fight for democracy, how are you affected? How are you dealing with the fear, the pain, the desire to help Ukraine, and help make a world where war is not an option?

I try to look for the bigger perspective and observe the larger patterns at work and then attempt to make a mark to soften its impact locally. Here is how. The New Moon is on March 2nd. This new moon is an opportunity to release fear, concern, and judgement. Take this new moon and extend your vision to intention and what you want. World peace? That Ukraine and Russia can find a peaceful resolution and spare the destruction of lives and cities?

Or bring it home and closer you—they are both one and the same. Whatever you see outside of you is also what is unresolved within you. Are you ready to find peace in your family? Maybe you are transitioning out of or into a relationship? Looking for a new home? Are you finding work that feels meaningful?

Plant seeds March 2022

Set your eyes on what you want. Explore your deepest desires so that when it happens (because when you are clear, it will) it supports your greatest potential and elevates the people around you. Then model what you want with others. For example, if you wish to be loved and seen, begin to acknowledge the people around you. Take time to be with them and listen.

March 18th is the Full Worm Moon, when the soil has warmed up enough that rich soil activity begins and worms are able to do their magic and recycle materials into good nutritious earth. On March 20th the seasonal cycle of nature transitions with the Spring Equinox—the beginning of Spring. This is when the seeds that we have saved metaphorically in our hearts during the winter months can be planted in the world. We can take action on what feels most important to nurture and grow these special “seeds” in the garden of our making.

The Power of Journaling and Rituals

The transition to Spring might be your nudge to explore ways to learn more about yourself and release whatever suffering you might be feeling. Perhaps you now feel ready to take off those extra layers that protected you from feeling numb or in grief and are ready to find what makes you come alive?

Woman journaling March 2022

Also, I find that journaling can be instrumental for noticing what I need in order to take steps to exquisitely nurture myself and give myself permission to fill up my inner cup. For example, I will create a ritual this Spring equinox to release my grief in a safe and structured setting so that I might empty out what needs to be seen in the light (being honest and authentic with myself) and then plant metaphorically something new and energizing. Those “seeds” again! Perhaps you, too, can create a Spring equinox ritual for release and rebirth.

I find journaling such a powerful journey to exploring what is happening for myself on a daily basis. My Life Through the Seasons, A Wisdom Journal and Planner for the Spring guides you in cultivating your inner wisdom and powerful connection to nature.

You can join me and kindred spirits as we explore
what journaling could be like and do for you
March 30-April 1 from 8:00-9:30am MTN,
by taking this free Three-Day Journal Challenge.

The Power of Healing

We all need healing and we all have different ways to be filled up. Music, chanting, and sound can be so powerful. I recently received this beautiful video. It is from a music album called Graceful Passages by Gary Malkin. Thich Nat Han shares a beautiful prayer with accompanied chanting by brother Phap Niem. This video has powerful heart opening music, the words to read and the most beautiful visuals to watch. It is a song that I listened to a lot when my father had a stroke and ultimately passed away. It is called The End of Suffering and it was extremely powerful for me in helping me to emotionally find the strength to release my father from his body. This album and particularly this song helped me come to peace with my father’s transitioning.

I am experiencing this again now since Russia and Ukraine are at war. I find greater strength to meet my day and to tap into my core strength of power when I sit and listen to this music and chant. Perhaps you might feel the heart-opening calm as well. After hearing this I often journal. The video and song is called the Great Bell Chant to End All Suffering.

Great Bell Chant March 2022

The Power of Intuitive Leadership – Listening

As the seasons cycle, I feel called to listen to my intuition. Spring is the opening to intuitively lead your life by listening to your heart first, then connecting that wisdom to your beautifully creative mind. Connecting to your heart and what has meaning for you is the key. Intuition and listening to your heart is the most powerful guide for all of us at this time.

I find that combining daily journaling with listening to my inner wisdom is profoundly comforting and strengthening.

Karin resistance bands standing March 2022

As I continue to listen internally, I notice my inner and outer strength is super enhanced with regular physical exercise. So many studies show the most amazing positive impacts of exercise—emotionally, mentally, and physically—even amidst so much change and uncertainty!

I welcome you to join my exercise community. Become part of a super supportive community workout where you can go at your own pace on Zoom. As leader of Exercise For Health, I am passionate and committed to supporting myself, friends, and family to be stronger, more agile, healthier—and exhilarated after each session! Click here to find out more

Here’s my prayer for us:

  • May you and our world find a way to begin experiencing compassion like never before.
  • May you and our world find in our hearts forgiveness for ourselves and others, so that we may begin building cords of sweet connection again.
  • May the end of suffering in our hearts and minds be broken open—so our sorrows can be released by planting new seeds of empathy, love, and kindness.
  • May you find or create seasonal rituals in your community to explore your authentic nature and feel safe and deeply cared for!

I’d like to end with a Buddhist prayer for peace:

“May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerless find power and may people think of befriending one another. May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wildernesses—the children, the aged, the unprotected—be guarded by beneficent celestials, and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.”

Lotus March 2022

Go in peace.

Go Deeper to Be Greater,

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