Mercury February 2022 featured

Love the One You’re with By Paying Attention to That Voice Within

Greetings Dear Self-Lovers!

2022 is a year that will surely test you again and again. Sound familiar?

Though it truly will be new terrain, what may be familiar are the questions that need to be
asked if you wish to fill your cup and have it spill over with good things for you and everyone.
What fills me up? What drains me? How can I take steps to increase the first and let go of the second?

What Inner Voice Are We Talking About Here?

Let’s begin with what’s out there.

Mercury February 2022

On February 1st we find the new moon upon us. A time to go into the darkness to rest and regenerate. On February 16th the Full Snow Moon is upon us, and if looking and lucky, we see the planet Mercury at sunrise.

No one can miss the many disruptions that continually occur on a weekly basis. From world-wide health crises, political and economic upheaval, to earth shattering (literally!) shifts in tectonic plates, volcanoes, and weather all having massive impact on humans and the rest of life we depend upon, and with whom we are inextricably linked. We are seeing and sometimes experiencing first-hand what seemed like firm ground and foundational in our lives shifting.

Your Inner Voice

The voice of your own inner wisdom is calling you to listen more than ever. Many of the old ways that we’ve counted on for making life good have grown unstable, feel de-energizing, or just plain impractical. It’s time to give yourself full permission to tap into your own reservoir of deeper resources in order to create a viable and transformed way of life for yourself.

The Call

What I refer to as companioning yourself is the process by which we can listen to our inner voice. It helps you evolve a sense of knowing by finding a calm center and recognizing what is right for you without having all the answers or specific plan. This tapping into your inner wisdom is more than insight, it is a call to your highest form of self-nurturing and love. It’s never ever about blame or shame of you or anyone else. When true wisdom comes through you, it is heard through your heart and felt with your body. You will experience a sense of “Yes, this is true” and know it in every cell of your being.

Feel your heart February 2022

Consider this self-love practice: Put your hand over your heart and sit in a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself, “How can I connect to myself right now? What would support me in this moment?” Now listen to what bubbles up and feels GOOD to you. Next, take inspired action and do what feels connecting for yourself. This is what self-love alignment looks and feels like.

Stability in Nature and we in it is an illusion. The old saying, “change is constant,” is finally dawning on people as true. This constant upheaval called “change” brings us another opportunity to connect with the powerful emotional/spiritual parts of ourselves, especially if they’ve been ignored for some time. I never suggest one go out and “find religion” or go about saying others are wrong to provide the temporary fix and pseudo-satisfaction of being right. It clearly never serves me or the larger whole. Yes, that Whole you and I are completely and energetically bound together.

Why might connecting to something larger be important right now?

When you dive deeper into NOT KNOWING, that can feel uncomfortable, awkward, even scary. Often these feelings signal an opportunity for accelerated growth that can end up with you feeling more alive as you weather and rise to small and larger challenges.

This new moon and the weeks that follow could be a perfect opportunity for you to go deeper into your own interior, plant some metaphorical seeds (ideas, thoughts, and passions) and let them warmly and securely gestate to emerge with new excitement, inspiration, creativity, and greater discernment about what is most important for you at this age and stage of life.

A different species of wisdom may grow inside you that self-designs for adaptation to the new world you find yourself in. This wisdom taps more deeply into your highest core values that inform that sense of knowing I was talking about, the kind of knowing that then guides you to further opening your heart as the means to develop the strongest connections with yourself and others, stronger and more resilient than ever!

My experience tells me that by more fully acknowledging the invisible world of energy and spirit, I drop pretenses, I become more myself, the one waiting for me behind any mask or persona I may have developed to merely cope but not live life fully.

Are you ready to learn more about what that could be like for you?

If so, I invite you to join me in a time for both sacred silence and space for reflective journaling, where together we will discover, listen to and nurture that inner voice brimming with wisdom.

Woman journaling February 2022

Every day in that silence and space, what my voice of inner wisdom, my greatest companion says to me is:

“Listen, go slow, pay attention, listen some more, honor life, share gratitudes, get a little more comfortable with chaos and not knowing.”

If you‘re open and curious about this self-reflective journaling practice through the seasons that can become a life sustaining practice, join me March 30-April 1, from 8:00-9:30am MTN for a 3-day Journal Challenge.

And if you listen to your inner voice calling you to greater physical health, check out the live and lively community exercise classes I offer on Zoom three times a week, Exercise for Health.

If your inner voice is calling you to get more clarity about what is most important in your life, let me take you through a meaning driven prioritization process that will revitalize and prepare you for your next exciting chapter in life. If you’ve already done this with me and want to update your top five passions, please reach out to me here.

Reflect, stay strong, stay connected to you, and learn to communicate respectfully and lovingly with yourself and others what you truly need.

Gestate these seeds for your greatest growth and see what begins to flourish within you, allowing you to shine and give your unique gifts to our world, beginning with you!

“The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.”
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”- Rumi

Go Deeper to Be Greater,

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