Fungi December 2021 featured

Mutual Cooperation – A Present for Next Year

Mutual Cooperation Might Be Our Saving Grace

It is a bit surprising that it is already December. The pandemic seems to make time shift in some inexplicable way. A beautiful constant in our lives is the monthly shift of the moon cycle. The new moon was on December 4, so the skies are now dark until the moon waxes on December 19, the Full Cold Moon. On December 21 we experience the change of seasons from Fall to Winter. We are now entering the quiet and colder time of the year. We will see the Geminids meteor shower peak on December 13 and 14, and the Ursids shower will be amazing on December 21 and 22.

I have been searching recently for ways to move into this new 2022 year. Mutual cooperation is my intention for next year. I invite each of you to consider making this your vision as well. Break from the traditional raising yourself up, and instead focus on raising everyone up, including yourself. In 2021 we have seen communities torn apart from social and economic inequities, fragmentation of beliefs, and tribalism. I am ready for a different approach. Won’t you join me?  Mutual cooperation is about the gain we each receive and experience when we work side by side and recognize that sharing and caring can benefit us—maybe even more than we can imagine.

Woman Wolf Nature December 2021

I recently listened to a keynote by economist Manuel Pastor from the Bioneers Conference. Pastor’s conversation highlighted a new way to create solidarity economics instead of a self-interest economy. As humans, we are dependent on other humans, plants, animals, the planet. Perhaps we might consider Pastor and Chris Benner’s new book, Solidarity Economics, which they bill as “an essential read for anyone who longs for an economy that can generate prosperity, provide for all, and preserve the planet.” I just ordered a copy—maybe you can think of someone to gift this to.

I often see mutuality in nature which provides me a model for what this could look like for humans. Allow me to share some thoughts for you to ponder. Mutuality just might be the key to building resilient people and a world that thrives.

Natural Healing – Examples of Cooperation

Healing begins by finding ways to become more aware of the mutuality we are part of—who our “kin” are and our vast number of interdependent relations with them.

We can begin with the bacteria in our guts and all the other organisms that make up our bodies, 90% or more of our DNA!

Outside our bodies we can notice fungi bonding with bacteria in the fine hairs of tree roots to yield nutrients that the solitary tree needs and through that inter-relationship is joined with other trees in a network only recently discovered by botanists.

Fungi December 2021

Another relationship we can reverently claim is with the plant known as sweetgrass, used as a purifying smudge by many indigenous peoples in North America, spoken to by Robin Wall Kimmerer in her beautiful book, Braiding Sweetgrass. When sweetgrass is cut by humans, it grows back even more vigorously. Among educated humans there is a clear understanding that you don’t take the first plant you see, you make sure there is always enough sweetgrass to propagate itself.

Another miraculous example is the interdependence between ants, aphids, and trees. Ants “milk” the aphids for the sugar that they are sucking from tree sap.  You might think that trees don’t fare so well in this situation, but it’s usually true that the active aphids target weaker or older trees. There is a sense of balance in all these mutual, interdependent relationships of one life form helping to sustain another, as each passes through its stages of life.

The innate wisdom of nature helps me to feel better prepared for whatever challenges life provides for us.

Clarity and Wisdom – Gifts for Yourself and Others

I have been really digging down deep inside to see what is next—looking for clarity. Clarity and wisdom go hand in hand. If you love wisdom cards as I do, please consider when journaling to pick a special card for the day. Randy (my husband) and Barb (my friend) recently updated their Cosmic Cat and Divine Dog wisdom card decks.  Picking a beautiful card with amazingly insightful messages can enliven your journaling—or just connect to a few amazing species of dogs and cats and gain new insights with humor.

This year of 2022 is going to be important and groundbreaking. What we create for ourselves and together will be especially revealing to our thriving as a planet. 

To dive inward I am offering a free three-day Journaling Challenge. Join me if you are interested in gaining insight and clarity about what this year holds for you, how you are creating greater cooperation with all “kin” and finding new ways to walk your unique path with confidence, compassion, and purpose. 

Other insightful programs that might inspire you:

Dr. Tony Nader will be sharing a masterclass on Making Life Work for Everyone. Consciousness: A New Paradigm. Dr Tony Nader is one of the foremost experts on the science of consciousness.  

If you are ready to enjoy a book on symbols and synchronicity, a friend just completed a book on her journey.

Or if you wish to listen and learn from deep thinkers, consider purchasing these books for yourself or as gifts.

And, I believe kindness cannot be overrated. Being kind to others now more than ever is critical to finding ways to trust and build a new world together.

Be Kind December 2021

Lady Gaga shares a beautifully insightful concept of kindness through her Born This Way Foundation’s Channel Kindness project. Be ready to be blown away by the people who share their insights.

May the coming year be filled with new ideas, mutual cooperation, kindness, and ways to care and support each other and all beings with greater dignity and respect.

My wish for you (and myself) is that he holidays spark a commitment to building mutual cooperation with others and the land around you. 

Let these days that are short be filled with beautiful memories while bringing in 2022 with peace and joy!

Go Deeper to Be Greater,

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