7 ways to unlock healing and inspiration

7 Ways To Unlock Healing And Inspiration

Sometimes we need to take a healing step so we can unlock our creative side and find inspiration.

These are some ways we can do just that!


Byron Katie’s four questions and turnarounds helps us release limiting beliefs, including fear. This process is a tool to question your thinking that is creating suffering. 

great coach or therapist can help guide you when you feel stuck and unable to move forward.


Watching this little babies laugh hysterically is one way I like to crack up when I feel off. You can’t help but smile!

One of my favorites for some good laughs on YouTube or Netflix are: Comedian: Mike Birbiglia, Ventriloquist: Jeff Dunham, and Political Satirist: Randy Rainbow.


1) Explore our national parks, even if only online – for now. WOW!

2) Check out our Earth from a distance.

3) Incredible tours to go on with a ranger. The photography is stunning. 

4) View videos, photos, and more of extraordinary animals and ecosystems.

5) I am grateful to Bioneers, an organization focused on inspiring people to shift the way they live on Earth to honor the web of life and one another now and in the future.


1) I am a SoulCollage facilitator and love this inner work using images. My husband, Randy Crutcher, EdD, and I taught an online class on the heart chakra and loved it. Think of ways you can invite art into your life.

2) Explore museums.


1) Search among the best songs of the year – or the decade – and listen to the your favorite ones.

2) Look up the Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu meditation.

3) Find a chant you enjoy. Here’s one I really really love.

Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu 
Sarveśām Shāntir Bhavatu
 Sarveśām Pūrnam Bhavatu 
Sarveśām Maṇgalam Bhavatu 
May there be happiness in all 
May there be peace in all 
May there be completeness in all 
May there be success in all


1) I enjoyed this inspiring video called A Letter from the Virus, written to humankind. It is moving, poignant and beautiful.

2) Oprah’s interview with Thich Nhat Hanh is superb. He’s a deeply peaceful man who shows us what mastery of spirit and humility looks like.

3) This video teaches some techniques on how to motivate yourself with Mel Robbins and Lewis Howes.

4) I love this trailer and what it means for women and their power within nature and the ocean.

5) Check out The Honorable Harvest to learn more about resiliency and how to treat and respect plants.


1) Isagenix has been a great program for feeling healthy during these stressful times.
2) Check out your Local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).
3) Join my friend Amadis in dance walking on your own, yet still in a group anywhere in the world or join me for one of my workouts.

Which of these ways to unlock your healing and inspiration do you feel your soul, mind, and body need right now? Share it below!

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