Love the One You’re with By Paying Attention to That Voice Within

Love the One You’re with By Paying Attention to That Voice Within

Greetings Dear Self-Lovers! 2022 is a year that will surely test you again and again. Sound familiar? Though it truly will be new terrain, what may be familiar are the questions that need to beasked if you wish to fill your cup and have it spill over with good things for you and everyone.What fills…

What Is Natural Healing and How Does Holistic Medicine Work?

What Is Natural Healing and How Does Holistic Medicine Work?

As a life coach and a healer for the last fifteen years, I notice how many people divide allopathic healing and natural healing into separate categories. I prefer an integrated approach to medicine and restorative health, supporting your body-mind-spirit to remember how to heal on its own—sometimes in combination with the allopathic, western medical approach. Some people feel…

What Are Intuitive Leadership Teams and Why Do You Need One?

What Are Intuitive Leadership Teams and Why Do You Need One?

I felt very alone during my first year of teaching.  I would periodically ask to meet my administrator. If I could, I would have met weekly! Meeting weekly was a big stretch so a monthly meeting was the most I could get.  His style of leadership I would call Laissez-Faire. He allowed his staff to…